Solar powered radio: A shining solution to radio power
Contributing Editor
Today, the consumption of non-renewable substances like coal, gas, and oil is having an alarming impact on our planet.
Around the world, governments and consumers alike are realizing that if we’re going to protect our world, we’re going to need to look for more sustainable sources of energy.
Fortunately, one of the most powerful options that we have is available all across the planet. Solar energy allows us to tap into the heat and light of the sun and transform those components into electrical charge.
This innovative solution is appearing in applications across the globe. Today, we have everything from solar-powered lamps to entire houses powered by the sun.
Solar radios are a popular and practical solution for people who can’t rely on constant access to mainline electricity and battery power.
These radios aren’t just there as a consistent source of entertainment; they can also be a way for people to get crucial information in an emergency.
In many countries, radio is a lifeline designed to preserve limited contact with the rest of the world. Radios that run on alternative power sources, like the crank or solar radio, are incredibly valuable.
In the rest of this article, we’ll discuss solar powered radio in detail. From its history and functionality to the best solar powered radio on the market today, we’ll cover everything you need to make an informed decision. Keep reading!
What is solar powered radio?
Solar energy is the power given off by the sun. The sun doesn’t just give us glorious summers and plenty of light; it’s also a highly efficient source of renewable energy.
A solar power radio is a form of battery-less radio receiver that’s powered by photovoltaic technology.
Photovoltaic or PV panels absorb the energy from the sun and convert it into a current that can keep your radio alive and kicking.
The very first solar powered radio was designed in the 1950s in an experiment with the famous company General Electric.
The device weighed only ten ounces – making it excellent for portability. Additionally, it was able to work without any recharging whatsoever.
The GE solar powered radio contained seven solar cells in total, a small battery, and four transistors.
By 1954, the Western Electric brand started to sell commercial solar powered radios, which featured a range of other photovoltaic technologies.
By 1957, the Acopian Technical Company reported that they had produced the first solar radios that could be sold to the general public.
Solar powered radios are convenient solutions that eliminate the need to constantly replace batteries, or keep your devices connected to a grid-based power supply.
Since there’s no need for a plug or electrical outlet, you can use these devices in areas without generators or grid access.
Additionally, people in remote areas or locations without access to the grid can still access the valuable information available on the radio.
How does a solar powered radio work?
At first, solar powered radio seems complicated. You might have seen those PV panels on top of a house and thought, “How does a solar-powered radio work?”. However, the process is a lot simpler than it seems.
There are two ways that you can collect solar energy. The first is collecting light from the sun, and the second involves absorbing the heat of the sun’s rays.
The first option is the most common, and it’s the method relied on for solar powered radios. PV panels or photovoltaic technology absorbs the light from the sun and runs it through semiconductors connected to two crucial contacts.
When the sun’s light particles (photons) enter the semiconductors, they remove electrons from their atoms. This creates an electrical current.
The second method of harnessing solar energy isn’t suitable to support a solar power radio. This process channels solar power as thermal energy through a series of reflections and mirrors. This produces steam which powers a turbine which in turn generates electricity.
One of the biggest issues facing designers of solar powered radios is that various features can affect the amount of power a device can produce with energy from the sun. For instance, the amount of sun the device is exposed to will impact its performance.
If there’s no battery available to hold the charge, it’s also not possible to use the solar system at night.
A brief history of solar power: The energy of the future
To truly understand the potential of solar powered radio, you need a basic understanding of solar power and where it came from.
You may be surprised to learn that solar energy has been harnessed since the 7th century B.C.
Before we ever had houses and cars, the Greeks and Romans were using mirrors to capture light and used it for setting fire to torches.
Of course, the technology available in solar power radio today has come a long way since those early days. The world’s first cell for collecting solar power was designed in the year 1767.
This device, created by Horace Benedict De Saussure, a Swiss scientist, was produced when Saussure found that he could use heat power and steam to generate electricity.
Using layers of glass, the scientist magnified the temperature of the sun and used it for his experiments.
In 1839, mankind discovered a new milestone in the evolution of solar energy when we defined the power of photovoltaic effects.
A French scientist named Edmund Becquerel discovered through research in his father’s lab that he could create a photovoltaic effect with an electrolytic cell using two electrodes. After he exposed the battery to light, the energy levels within it increased.
In an article published in 1873, the discovery was released, and six years later, the very first photovoltaic cell was made.
A man called Charles Fritts designed the solid PV cell by covering the semiconductor’s selenium with a small layer of gold. It was the first demonstration that proved a solid material with no moving parts could transform the sun’s power into energy.
Since Fritts’ discovery, scientists around the world have searched for ways to improve the performance and efficiency of PV cells.
In 1888, a Russian scientist named Aleksandr Stoletov built the first photoelectric cell based on the photoelectric effect.
The concept of the photoelectric effect came from a man named Heinrich Hertz, who was also responsible for discovering some of the technology that went into the creation of the radio.
The photoelectric effect found that electrons were released from substances after they absorbed light. Incredible scientist Albert Einstein eventually published a paper on the phenomenon, which he used to win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
By the time we reached the 1950s, global warming was already a common concern. Many magazines published stories on the subject, and people were starting to become aware of the growing issue around the depletion of fossil fuels.
The first practical photovoltaic cell for mass use emerged in a laboratory in 1954, designed by Daryl Chaplin.
A few years later, the US government was testing the potential of PV cells to power the satellites orbiting the Earth.
As the decades passed, the potential of PV cells and solar power became more significant.
Between the 1970s and 1990s, we saw a massive uptake in the use of solar cells as they began to appear in homes, railroad crossings, and more.
Now, we can find solar cells in many places, including cars that run partially on solar energy and the rising potential of solar powered aircraft.
Crank radio vs. solar power radio
As mentioned above, radio is often a lifeline for many countries, who see their broadcasts as the only source of news and information that can be reliably accessed.
Solar powered radio isn’t the first foray scientists have made into a sustainable radio that people can access anywhere in the world.
Battery-less radio receivers have been in production for decades, designed to help eliminate the issues that prevent people outside of the grid from having radio technology.
Crystal radios were one of the original “battery-less” radio receivers, capable of receiving information from long antennas.
However, these radios were very limited in what they could reasonably do. They weren’t enough to support the impoverished nations of today.
Additionally, in the Soviet Union during the 1920s, thermoelectricity was used to power radios.
Again, the results were unreliable and often dangerous.
Some scientists even explored the potential of kerosene radios and petrol radios, but none of these innovations had the same durability and sustainability offered by the crank and solar radios to come.
Fortunately, in the mid-1990s, a man named Trevor Baylis appeared with a new answer to the question of sustainable energy for modern communications.
Baylis created the first “clockwork” radio, or wind-up radio – a solution originally considered to be the best way to access power for radios in some of the world’s poorest locations.
Critics argued, however, that the wind-up radio was too expensive for people in impoverished environments.
Many UK companies said that the cost of wind-up radios is quite high – even if the expenses involved with running and maintaining the machines were much cheaper than they would be with battery-run receivers.
As a philanthropist, Baylis did what he could to reduce that problem by working with non-profit organizations to give many clockwork radios to the countries that needed them most.
Aid agencies were given special rates for the radios and were able to give them away in various communities for a meager price.
Of course, the people who didn’t get a handout still found it impossible to get their hands on the right radio.
Although wind-up radios solved problems for many countries to a certain extent, manufacturers and scientists still felt that they needed to find a more sustainable way to make communication more accessible to the world.
That’s where the idea of the solar powered radio comes from.
Solar power radio keeps costs low by using the off-cuts of commercial solar panels produced in UK factories. They are then added to cheap but durable radio kits. The end result is simple and easy to use, but it’s also highly reliable.
There is an issue with solar powered radios.
People won’t be able to use them at night. Owners may forget to charge them during the day. However, manufacturers have begun to solve this problem by supplying rechargeable batteries for their solar powered machines.
The benefits of solar powered radio devices
Most people today know the benefits of choosing solar power over conventional forms of energy.
Solar is renewable and sustainable, and it doesn’t hurt our environment.
In a time where we’re more aware of things like global warming than ever before, it’s crucial for all countries and governments to ensure that they’re taking the potential of solar power seriously.
For projects on a larger scale, many government bodies are starting to offer financial benefits to people willing to explore the benefits of solar power.
For instance, you can get grants that help you place solar panels on your house and then sell the energy you make back to the grid.
As a form of portable solar powered device, this type of radio offers many benefits. The most important advantage of all is that a solar radio is available to use anywhere.
In other words, it is lightweight, easy to carry, and convenient.
People can take their devices with them, whether moving across the country, trekking in the countryside, or simply hiking.
Many people rely on these radios as a crucial piece of survivalist kit – particularly if they do a lot of outdoor adventuring.
There are no wires to get in the way, and there’s no need to worry about your electrical devices’ impact on the environment.
Aside from solar powered radios, countless other portable devices are available with solar energy solutions built into them today.
You can find everything from solar powered cameras and surveillance systems to smartphone chargers.
When Trevor Baylis designed his original crank radio, he wanted to give people in Africa and other countries a chance to access the educational information they needed to improve their health and well-being.
The crank radio was meant to be a way to support the fight against the AIDS epidemic, as many experts believed that a lack of knowledge was supporting the spread of the disease.
In the same way, solar power radio can change the lives of thousands by offering an easy way to access crucial information.
These radios take the sunlight that is abundant in many parts of the world and convert it into energy, which can keep a radio running all day long – without any cranking necessary.
At the same time, access to radio stations lets people in isolated parts of the world know that they’re not alone – no matter how far removed they may be from other civilizations.
Since the original invention of the radio, this broadcasting technology has helped people around the world to come together into a more connected community.
Solar powered radio takes that concept to the next level by eliminating the need for grid access or expensive batteries.
The future of solar power radio
Solar powered radio has a lot to offer.
Beyond supporting impoverished countries and making sure that you can still listen to the radio on your family camping trips, these devices have a range of other practical applications.
Because they don’t need any sources of electricity or batteries to stay running, they’re ideal for an emergency kit.
In a troubling situation when you don’t have access to energy, you’ll still be able to find out what’s going on by listening to your radio.
Solar power is an easy and sustainable way for humanity to access the power it needs without producing dangerous greenhouse gasses or wasting electricity.
Since we initially discovered the exciting potential of PV panels, the cost of creating power with solar energy has steadily decreased over the years.
As a result, countries all across the globe have been able to start investing more time and money into creating solar innovations.
In the future, you may find that most of your electrical devices are powered by the sun, including your laptop, car, and more.
The electricity created by growing solar plants supplies power to commercial businesses and entire communities in certain parts of the world. We’re gradually reducing our dependence on non-renewable materials, one solar powered radio at a time.
Additionally, scientists and developers are continually discovering new ways to take advantage of solar power radio technology.
For instance, in 2018, a group of engineers found a way to perform blockchain powered cryptocurrency transactions using nothing but solar power and short-wave radio broadcasting.
This wasn’t the world’s first cryptocurrency transaction powered by radio, but according to the developers, it was the first to happen entirely off the grid.
The team found a way to manage their transaction with nothing but a solar battery pack, a portable hard drive, and a shortwave radio. The result of the experiment shows just how powerful solar powered radio waves can be in the right hands.
The right technology doesn’t just support people who want to tune into their favorite shows and listen to tunes.
Radio waves are also the tech that we use to create remote controls, microwaves, and countless other essential items.
The project was developed as part of the Call for Code challenge. Developers from different backgrounds competed against each other in creating tech that will support people during times of natural disasters.
The resulting technology allows us to send messages and other vital data off the grid through the blockchain in an immutable and secure environment.
It’s impossible to say for sure what’s next for solar and solar power radio – but it seems evident that this sustainable technology is here to stay.
The 5 Best Solar Powered Radios
Now that you know what a solar powered radio is and its potential, the next question in your mind is, “Which solar radio is best?”
Besides helping you to conserve electricity and reduce your utility bills, you want a solar powered radio that guarantees excellent reception. Remember, you don’t want to keep moving from point to point in your home in search of FM/AM digital signals for radio broadcasts.
That said, the table below summarizes the top five solar radios on the market today:
Best Solar Radio | Key Features | Buy Now |
5000 Weather Radio | NOAA channels, FM/AM, LED flashlight, alarm, hand crank, headphone jack | Check Latest Price |
Kaito KA500 6-Way Powered Radio | NOAA channels, hand crank, FM/AM, alarm, flashlight | Check Latest Price |
Eton Sidekick | Hand crank, NOAA, FM/AM, red emergency beacon | Check Latest Price |
TFTDOUP Solar Emergency Radio | Hand crank, FM/AM, NOAA channels, SOS alarm | Check Latest Price |
RunningSnail Emergency Crank Radio | Hand crank, FM/AM, wind up | Check Latest Price |
1. 5000 Weather Radio
The 5000 Weather Radio is among the best solar power radios due to its solid reception on AM/FM shortwaves. It’s designed to ensure excellent FM/AM radio reception as well as shortwave signals.
The 5000 Weather Radio demonstrates the capability of shortwave radios in emergencies.
The best part is that this radio allows you to access shortwave signals even with the antenna down.
In English, it means, you won’t have to deal with the common hissing and crackling sounds in radios due to poor signals.
Besides being solar powered, the 5000 Weather Radio is also crank-enabled. This is an added advantage since you can rely on solar power in summer and hand-crank in winter when you can’t receive sufficient sun.
Imagine having to miss your favorite radio show in winter due to lack of sunlight!
Finally, the radio’s 7 pre-configured NOAA weather channels will keep you updated in case of severe weather advisory.
For slightly over $29, get to enjoy the following features:
- 5 power options, including solar, winding up handle, three AAA batteries (link to Amazon), compartment, and micro USB input connection
- LED reading lamp
- Bright camping flashlight
- SOS alarm
- Emergency cellphone charger
- 3.5mm headphone jack
- 【𝗡𝗢𝗔𝗔 Weather Alert Radio, 𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗠 Radio, 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲 Radio】To choose the station you want, just rotate the knob smoothly instead of tuning up and down the dial. When there are urgent news from the national weather service, the emergency radio will warn you in time for life saving, keeping safe during evacuation. Without danger, you can also listening to AM FM SW bands, enjoy your time with free music, talk shows, sports, traffic, stories and much more.
- 【5000 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery & 5 Power Sources】This weather radio comes with 5000 large-capacity rechargeable battery ensure your cellphone will be fully charged in emergency. 5 power options, never worry it power off anytime. When the built-in battery is power off, it will be charged by the backup power sources include winding up handle, solar crank, usb input connection or 3 pcs AAA battery.
- 【Handy Bright Camping Flashlight & LED Reading Lamp】When power failure in the emergency, wind up hand crank to work as a handy LED flashlight Lantern to light up in full darkness to keep you safe. Flip up the solar panel to become a reading lamp with built in 6 bright LEDs to illuminate your way to the bedroom at night, as well as a must-have for 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲𝘁𝘆 & 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁.
- 【𝗘𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿 & Loud SOS Alarm】Your Cellphone will never power off even blackout and internal Li-ion Battery outages, hand crank continuously genarate power to recharge the built-in battery and connect the included usb output charging cable for cellphone charging. Allow you to make a phone call for help or get in touch with your family in emergency. The red SOS flashing beacon and audible siren will attract the attention of would be rescuers.
- 【3.5mm Headphone Jack,Package include Compass & Nylon Wrist Strap & Carabiner Clip for Easy Carry】It is updated with 3.5mm headphone jack to provide personal listening without disturbing others. Extra compass attached to strap is very helpful to show you orientation when you get lost outside.the strip is adjustable to carry, and you can also attach the clip to your backpack for your convenience outside.
2. Kaito KA500 6-Way Powered Radio
The Kaito KA500 6-Way Powered Radio is the best option regarding reception quality. It has a 14.5-inch telescopic antenna responsible for its high-sensitivity reception.
The antenna and an advanced semiconductor circuitry design make this radio ideal for emergencies. It can receive radio signals even in the most remote locations for excellent broadcasts.
The radio is 6-way powered. Besides solar, it comes with a hand crank generator, a compartment for 3 AAA batteries, USB input, an adapter, and a rechargeable and replaceable battery pack.
With the above diverse power options, the Kaito KA500 6-Way Powered Radio is suitable for use in different settings.
If there is no electricity or solar energy, you can crank up the radio and continue enjoying your favorite music or shows.
As if that is not enough, the radio is water-resistant. This is a handy feature, especially if you lead a nomadic lifestyle. You can rest assured that the radio is safe, even during a storm.
For slightly over $49, enjoy the following features:
- Comprehensive AM and FM coverage
- 2-band shortwaves
- 24/7 real-time weather forecasts for residents of Canada and USA
- A public emergency alert system (PEAS)
- NOAA pre-programmed weather channels
- A 5-LED study lamp
- A LED flashlight
- Emergency mobile battery charger
- 6-way powered portable emergency radio with hand crank generator, solar panel, compartment for 3 AA batteries (not included), 5V USB input, 5V AC/DC input with a wall power adapter (sold separately), built-in NiMH replaceable and rechargeable battery pack
- Comprehensive coverage of AM, FM, 2-band shortwave and 7 pre-programmed NOAA weather channels for entertainment, sports, talk-shows, breaking news around the world, and 24/7 real-time weather forecast (USA and Canada ONLY) with PEAS (Public Emergency Alert System)
- Works as an emergency mobile battery charger with built-in standard DC 5V USB output port for charging mobile devices, such as smart phones, GPS units, MP3 players, digital cameras, and etc. Other features include a 5-LED reading lamp, LED flashlight and a red LED S.O.S. beacon light
- Telescopic antenna extends up to 14.5" for high sensitivity reception assisted by advanced semiconductor circuitry design and LED signal strength indicator for pin-point tuning accuracy, and built-in speaker delivers loud and crispy sound
- Made of strong premium impact-resistant and water-resistant ABS material, suitable for both indoors home/office use and outdoors recreational activities
3. Eton Sidekick
The Eton Sidekick is referred to as the ultimate camping radio for a good reason. It has some of the best features that will enhance your camping experience.
For instance, the radio is both solar and battery-powered, meaning you can charge the battery during the day for use at night.
What’s more, the Eton Sidekick makes it to the list of the best solar powered radios because you can easily charge it via solar or hand crank.
Once the radio is fully charged, your smartphone or tablet won’t go off while on a camping expedition. You can capture all those beautiful camping moments with your smartphone without worrying about the power going low since you can use the radio to charge the phone.
As with most Eton Radios, you can expect this option to be highly portable and reliable.
For slightly over $99, here are the key features you’ll get to enjoy:
- A multifunctional digital radio
- Excellent reception for FM/AM, SAME, and NOAA signals
- A bright LED flashlight
- Excellent lighting with a dimmer
- Red emergency beacon
- Weather alert channels
- Weather Alert Radio with Bluetooth: This rugged and reliable weather alert radio features solar powered charging and Bluetooth technology; Stream your favorite music anywhere while charging your device from anywhere.
- Easy Charging: The built-in lithium battery is easily rechargeable VIA solar power or a hand crank power generator; When it's powered up, use it to recharge your smartphone, tablet or other devices.
- Multifunctional Digital Device: This radio with a digital tuner and display receives AM/FM, SAME and NOAA signals; It also features a bright LED flashlight, red emergency beacon and huge ambient light with dimmer so that you're never in the dark.
- Keep Connected: From World Band and Weather Alert radios, to solar powered sound systems and connected home products, we'll keep you connected and in the know at home, in the office, on the road or in the great outdoors.
- Eton's Commitment to Preparedness: We're committed to helping you be prepared for everyday fun and unexpected emergencies, whether you’re out on a 10-day backpacking trip, or just barbecuing in the backyard.
4. TFTDOUP Solar Emergency Radio
You don’t have to break your bank account to own a solar powered radio.
The TFTDOUP Solar Emergency Radio is among the most affordable solar powered radios on the market today.
For slightly over $16, this radio guarantees some of the best features a solar powered radio offers.
Being affordable doesn’t mean the radio is of poor quality.
Besides being solar-powered, the radio comes with a hand crank generator, making it ideal for use in all seasons—from summer and spring to winter and autumn. You don’t have to use the radio only when there is sufficient sun.
The radio has a large battery capacity. Once fully charged, you can use it to charge other devices like your smartphone and tablet on the go.
It’s also your go-to option if you want to stay safe in emergencies like hurricanes, rainstorms, and tornadoes. Its NOAA weather channels will keep you updated on all weather situations.
This radio has the following main features:
- Compact size for portability
- Three bright LED flashlights
- 3-power mode; hand crank wind up, solar, and micro USB
- SOS alarm
- Battery backup
- 【NOAA Weather Radio Keeps You Prepared Ahead】If you live in a natural disaster-prone area, this portable NOAA weather radio is a must-have for your emergency kit! TFTDOUP Enhanced NOAA Weather Radio captures all NOAA/AM/FM signals (AM: 520-1710 KHz / FM: 87-108 MHz / WB: 162.4-162.55 MHz). 162.55 MHz), is a specialized device designed to keep you informed and prepared for weather hazards such as cyclones.
- 【NOAA Weather Radio Keeps You Prepared Ahead】If you live in a natural disaster-prone area, this portable NOAA weather radio is a must-have for your emergency kit! TFTDOUP Enhanced NOAA Weather Radio captures all NOAA/AM/FM signals (AM: 520-1710 KHz / FM: 87-108 MHz / WB: 162.4-162.55 MHz). 162.55 MHz), is a specialized device designed to keep you informed and prepared for weather hazards such as cyclones,
- 【Portable & Lightweight 】TFTDOUP MINI battery solar powered radio is the smallest emergency radio! Allows you to easily listen to important weather or news updates, and you can keep it in your trunk or suitcase, or carry it around with the included lanyard. It's even small enough to fit in your pocket! Allows you to listen to am fm channels to enjoy music and relax in no time! Very suitable for camping, hiking, outdoor survival, or during power outages!
- 【Ultra Bright Light】The TFTDOUP Emergency Crank Radio's flashlight is a combination of three 1W flashlights that are 3 times brighter than the same looking radio! Provides a fairly wide beam of light to illuminate your path and maximize visibility in pitch black conditions. Built-in loud SOS alert and flashing mode can be turned on with just a long press of the flashlight power button! A must-have emergency survival radio for hurricanes, power outages, storms and other natural disasters!
- 【Worry Free After-Sales Service】Your voice prompts us to do our best. We provide an 18 month warranty service for hand crank emergency weather radios! If you are not satisfied with this NOAA Weather Solar Radios, just contact us and we will immediately provide you with a solution. Our customer service is available 24/7 for you! Emergency survival kit essential hand cranked radio!
5. RunningSnail Emergency Crank Radio
Being referred to as an emergency Crank Radio depicts that this radio is designed to help people navigate emergencies successfully. It’s the best radio to have in an emergency.
The RunningSnail Emergency Crank Radio is both solar and crank-powered, making it ideal for emergencies, especially when you can’t access electricity.
The radio has been upgraded to be highly practical and powerful, the key features that makes it ideal for emergencies.
For instance, its capable 2,000mAh built-in battery stores more power. Its SOS alarm and bright flashlight ensure more security in the dark.
In terms of power, the radio is equipped with a comfortable hand crank, an electrical label, and a bigger solar panel. What does this mean?
It means you have different ways to power your radio. Therefore, if you can’t access the sun, simply switch to the hand crank generator and get your radio live again.
For under $24, get to enjoy the following key features:
- Wind up emergency radio
- Three-band radio, AM, FM, and NOAA
- 18-months warranty
- Alarm and built-in LED flashlight
- ★【A Must Have Kit For Emergency】Based on MD-088, we've optimized and upgraded a lot of features, which makes the MD-088P 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 be more practical, more powerful. 2000mAh built-in Battery could provide more power for you, Brighter flashlight and SOS Alarm could give you more security in the darkness. Also, equipped with electrical label, comfortable hand crank, bigger solar panel, and so on, fill all of your needs. MD-088P wind up radio will be your best choice!
- ★【Powerful Save Life Radio】This 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 supports AM/FM/NOAA three band, especially 7 NOAA weather channels. Without the need to open a television, cell phone, or computer, you also can easily get up to date with the latest weather and all hazard information for your area, such as hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms, and so on. Earn a critical time to be prepared. Keep the 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 in the household, keep disaster out of you.
- ★【2000mAh Phone Charger】A dead phone can be life-threatening. Compare with Esky's 1000mAh Emergency weather radio, this MD-088P 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 has been updated to a 2000mAh built-in battery, which could provide enough emergency power for you to make important calls to your family or call for help in an emergency. Also, Hand Crank and Solar Panel are stand-by to charge the 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 when Micro USB charge is invalid in the power outage.
- ★【More Than A 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨】 The 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 with compact-sized can be with you in camping, backpacking, hiking and so on, letting you no longer boring. Also, equipped with a 1W longer lasting powerful LED flashlight that will brighten you around in the darkness, SOS Alarm could make a big sound alarm that easily catch others' attention to ask for help. You will not feel scared and bring you a sense of security with the accompany of this 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨.
- ★【No Risk For Purchase】We care about you and your loved ones and your voice drives us to be the best. We back our 𝐄𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 with an 18-months Warranty! If you are not satisfied with this 𝐍𝐎𝐀𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨, we will provide the solution for you immediately as you contact us, such as refund or replace. And our customer service is here for you 24/7 for anything you need! NO RISK FOR YOUR PURCHASE!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Solar Powered Radios Work?
Solar powered radios work well, especially for people without constant access to power. These radios have excellent signal reception, making them ideal for entertainment, news, and other radio broadcasts.
Is There a Radio That Works Without Electricity?
Solar powered radios work without electricity. These radios have photovoltaic cells that receive solar energy for their functioning. Therefore, they don’t need electricity.
Are Portable Solar Power Stations Worth It?
Portable solar power stations are worth it because they offer an opportunity to charge your devices like smartphones when in an emergency or blackout. Consequently, they are handy when camping and hiking.
What Frequency Is Solar Radio?
Most solar radios operate based on AM/FM frequencies. These are 535-1605 kHz and 87.5-108.0 MHz, respectively.
What Is the Best Radio for Living Off the Grid
Solar and crank radios are the best options for living off the grid. These radios use solar power and hand crank generators for power, respectively.
Therefore, you don’t need to be connected to the national grid to use them.
What Are the Different Types of Solar Radios?
There are different types of solar radios based on their bands. Most solar radios combine FM, AM, and NOAA bands.
Did you notice that some of the best solar radios we recommended were also crank radios?
Thanks to having an alternative power source, this type of radio is the go-to during an emergency. Head on to our lists of the 10 Best Crank Radio Options For Any Emergency and the Best Emergency Radio for more!
Radio Fidelity: For the love of radio.